By the way

Zabok is located in the geographical and traffic center of Hrvatski Zagorje .
The town of Zabok is located on the southwestern edge of the Krapina-Zagorje County and is about 30 kilometers from Zagreb. On the surface of 34.41 km 2 there are 16 settlements where 9,365 inhabitants live in 2,931 households.
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About 140 companies and about 308 craftsmen are based in Zabok. What sets Zabok apart from other centers in the county is the fact that it is home to institutions important to the life of the entire region . Zabok has reserved space for the reception of new industry – the “Economic Zone of the City of Zabok”. The economic zone is a prerequisite for the achievement of key economic goals: intensification of economic growth and development, new employment, growth in the export of goods and services, and the creation of an entrepreneurial environment and work culture that will be market-oriented and based on knowledge, skills and quality.

- Primary school of Ksaver Šandor Gjalski
- Elementary music school at K. Š. Gjalski
- Zabok High School for Art, Design, Graphics and Clothing
- Secondary school Zabok
- AGMatoš Gymnasium
- Faculty of Informatics
- Faculty of Tourism Management
- High business School

History of Zabok
The donation was carried out by ban Mikac, and in 1345 it was also confirmed by King Karl’s successor, King Ljudevit I. The heirs of Petar Nuzlinov used the predicate de Zabok in order that sometime in the XV. century began to be called Zaboky de Zabok. This information also proves that the toponym Zabok does not come from the name of the family of the owner of the property, but vice versa, the family got its name from the property. Since the Zabok estate was located right on the inner side of the large arch of the Krapinica river, i.e. behind the bank, it can be logically concluded that the area of the estate was named Zabok, before it was built in that very place, under the chapel of St. Antuna, also found the old wooden castle of the Zaboky family.

Zagorje woolen fabric industry
The origin of all economic activity was held by the oldest company ZIVT, founded in 1936. by Milan Prpić.
ZIVT was not only the main bearer of the economic activity of the former Municipality of Zabok, it was also a kind of entrepreneurial incubator for the City of Zabok, where non-woven textile production programs were developed, which gave rise to the company Regeneracija, then ZIVTEX, which later gave rise to carpet production and which later attached to Regeneration and the Dekor lighting fixture factory, which has developed into a significant manufacturer and exporter of these products. ZIVT also started the development of the metal industry in Zagorje, which gave rise to the company Zagorski metalac, which later started dealing with gas distribution.
All these companies went through long periods of inflationary trends in the former economy, but we can still talk about relatively stable economic trends in the economy of the City of Zabok until the 90s of the last century.
After the Homeland War, there were significant changes. All these companies were aimed at the relatively large market of the former state, which indicated that certain restructuring had to be carried out in view of the new economic situation.
Ksaver Sandor Gjalski
History of the city

The name Zabok appears in documents known to date for the first time in 1335.
In the deed of gift of the Hungarian-Croatian king Charles I, by which, according to the recommendation of the Slavonian ban Mikc, he donates the estate of Zabok to Peter, the son of Nuzlin, because the previous owner, Samson, died without an heir.
The donation was carried out by ban Mikac, and in 1345 it was also confirmed by King Karl’s successor, King Ljudevit I. The heirs of Petar Nuzlinov used the predicate de Zabok in order that sometime in the XV. century began to be called Zaboky de Zabok.
This information also proves that the toponym Zabok does not come from the name of the family of the owner of the property, but vice versa, the family got its name from the property. This is ultimately both understandable and acceptable, because the old Croatian word bok, among other things, denotes a prominent bend in the river course.
Zaboky village is an ideal place for a pleasant vacation near Zagreb.
Zaboky village is an ideal place for a pleasant vacation near Zagreb.
Zaboky village – Zaboky village
Zaboky village – Zaboky village

Zaboky village – Zaboky village
The reason why you might like it here is the tradition that is alive in every charming detail while the greenery and tranquility of the surroundings are quite relaxing.
“Zaboky village” is the name for three houses with terraces that join together on one big stage, big enough even for a wedding tent, so you can also organize a wedding here. Most of the things you can imagine can be realized in this place, you just need an open and decent agreement with the service provider. The story of this charming agrotourism actually began with the restaurant Zaboky, one of the most famous domestic restaurants in the area of the town of Zabok and its surroundings.
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The seat of education

Zabok School of Art, Design, Graphics and Clothing
The capacity of the school is about 400 students and approximately 70 employees distributed in 21 classes.
To everyone who shares an interest in the creative sector, recognizes your talent in the art, visual or musical fields, likes to draw, paint, sing, play, design, photograph, research media literacy, create your own websites, are fashion conscious or engage in similar activities, we would like to say that the Zabok School of Art, Design, Graphics and Clothing is the right choice for you.
We are the only art school in the Krapina-Zagorje County and students from all over the Krapina-Zagorje and Zagreb Counties, Zagreb and other parts of the Republic of Croatia enroll with us.
What distinguishes us from all other schools is certainly the encouragement of young people to creativity, innovation, critical thinking, work according to the model of individualized approach to students and project planning as an integral part of the regular teaching process, all in order to enable students to develop their personal strengths and differences and adopt desirable skills for the 21st century century.
The School of Art, Design, Graphics and Clothing Zabok is an art-vocational school and we educate students in two basic sectors of education: art (art and design; music) and graphic technologies and audiovisual design, and we offer education for the professions of graphic designer, industrial designer, fashion designer, web designer, media technician, graphic technician preparation and high school education for musicians – instrumentalists and theoreticians.

Gymnasium of Antun Gustav Matoš
Antun Gustav Matoš High School was founded in 1963. at the request of the citizens of Zabok, and due to the needs of the then developed industry, regardless of the existence of two secondary schools in Zabok (Economic and Textile). The first such requests appeared as early as 1956. and in 1957 year, and the final decision on the establishment of the Gymnasium in Zabok was made by the People’s Committee of the municipality of Zabok, so that the Republic Secretariat for Education (now the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports) in 1963. issued a decision and approved the start of the Gymnasium.
On School Day 6. May 2022 year, the Gymnasium celebrated its 59th anniversary. anniversary of existence.
The new building of the Gymnasium was moved into in 2003. years.
The Antun Gustav Matoš High School in Zabok enrolls 4 classes every year: two general, one language and one science-mathematics class.
The school works only in the morning shift.

Faculty of Organization and Informatics
The Faculty of Organization and Informatics is the only component of the University of Zagreb, which is located in the very north of Croatia, in the center of the city of Varaždin, and its centers of the three-year professional study Application of information technology in business he placed, apart from Varaždin, also in the cities of Zabok, Križevce and Sisak .
At the undergraduate level, FOI conducts two university studies – Information and Business Systems and Entrepreneurship Economics , at the graduate level, the study of Informatics and Entrepreneurship Economics is conducted, and after that students can continue their education at the postgraduate level , where postgraduate doctoral studies and postgraduate specialist studies are conducted. . In Varaždin, Sisak, Zabok and Križevci, FOI has been successfully conducting the three-year professional study “Application of Information Technology in Business” (PITUP) for a number of years.
In addition to regular attendance at classes and taking exams, today studying at FOI, as well as at all leading higher education institutions in the world, also includes electronic learning and participation in mandatory professional practice.