
The tame town of Zagorje is only 50 kilometers from Zagreb.

It is adorned with a rich historical heritage that goes back as far as 130,000 years ago, when prehistoric people left their indelible mark on the area of ​​the Krapin Hill of Hušnjakov, which saw the light of day thanks to Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger, a prominent geologist, paleontologist and paleonanthropologist.

He is responsible for spreading the name of Krapina around the world.
In addition to the recently opened new Museum of Krapina Neanderthals , the people of Krapina are also very proud of the Krapina fortress that was owned by King Ludovic I, Count Herman II. Celje, Ban Vitovac, King Matijaš Corvin and Croatian Ban Ivaniš Corvin…
Ljudevit Gaj, the father of the Croatian national revival, was born here, and August Šenoa, Marija Jurić Zagorka, Janko Leskovar, Ivo Andrić also walked the streets of Krapina…
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The town of Krapina is the central place of Hrvatski Zagorje. It is located along the Krapinčica river. The very name of the city is closely related to the name of the river, which once abounded in freshwater fish, carp. In the Kajkavian dialect, carp fish is called carp.

The history of the human race in Krapina goes back 120,000 to 50,000 years, as evidenced by the remains of Neanderthal man on Hušnjakovo hill in the western part of Krapina.

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Developing the city

The first written documents mention Krapina in 1193. years. In the Middle Ages, there was a Krapina fortress under which the settlement began to develop. The fortress itself and the former manor were royal possessions. From 14 century, individual noble families began to receive it. At that time, with a royal charter, Krapina became a free market place. Noble family Keglević in the first half of the 16th century. In the 19th century, he bought the estate of Krapina and moved there in the midst of the greatest Turkish raids into Croatia at the time.

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Construction of the church

Noble families were patrons of church orders, so in Krapina in the 17th century, the Franciscans appear who build the church of St. Catherine and the Franciscan monastery. During the 18th century, votive prayer churches dedicated to miraculous Madonnas were built in Zagorje, and thus the famous church on Trško vrh was created in Krapina.

the most famous legend of the Zagorje region

The legend of Čeh, Leh and Meh

Brothers Čech, Leh and Meh

Legend has it that during Roman rule, on three hills above Krapina: Josipovac (Psar), the hill of the Old Town of Krapina and Šapac, three brothers lived in separate cities: Čech, Leh and Meh and their sister Vilina. The brothers wanted to free themselves from the Roman economy and devised a plan to do so, but their sister, who was in love with the Roman governor, betrayed them.

The brothers killed the Roman governor and, fearing retribution, had to flee to the north, where they founded Slavic states: Czech Bohemia, Leh Poland, and Meh Russia. The unfortunate brothers built their sister Vilina in a tower, and her child was carried by a wild ox on its horns through an underground path, under the mountains Veliki čleb and Hajdinski zran, to the other side where some hermit buried it. From that time until today, that place has been called Lijepa glava – Lepoglava, after the beautiful head of the child. Traces of the story of the three brothers exist in many Czech and Polish writers, but they have no historical foundation. The legend that Krapa is the cradle of all Slavs in accordance with the ideas of Illyrianism was popularized in the 19th century. century Ljudevit Gaj. Croatian historians (Stjepan Krizin and O. Sakač DI) compare the Krapina story with a similar Kievan and Armenian story, and provide evidence for this.

the most famous and important Krapinac

Ljudevit Gaj

He was a Croatian politician, linguist, ideologist, journalist and writer. A central figure of the Illyrian movement who also played an important role in the Croatian national revival.

Ljudevit Gaj was born in Krapina in 1809. years.

German was spoken in his family, but his mother Julijana also taught him Kajkavian.

He attended high school in his native Krapina, Varaždin and Karlovac. In 1826, he enrolled in philosophy studies in Vienna, which he continued in Graz, and in 1829, he enrolled in law in Pest.[3]

  • 1830. in Buda he printed the booklet Short Basics of Croatian-Slavic Spelling

  • 1847. thanks to Gaj and his collaborators, the Croatian language was declared the official language of the Croatian Parliament after centuries of development.

died on the 20 4. 1872.

As a leader of the revival movement, he was known throughout Croatia, but also in the Slavic countries of the Habsburg Monarchy.

The Croatian alphabet, which was reformed by the Croatian revivalist Ljudevit Gaj for the Croats and the Croatian language, is also used by the neighboring nations Slovenes, Bosniaks, Serbs and Montenegrins.

  • 1891. a monument was erected to him in the center of Krapina.

  • 1966. his birth house was converted into a memorial museum of the City of Krapina.

tour the historic city

What to visit in Krapina?

You can go around Krapina with a leisurely walk.

It lies in a valley surrounded on all sides by charming hills. The city center is decorated with colorful facades of houses that line the winding streets, and some of them are real palaces. There are numerous cafes, several restaurants, people sit on the terraces and bask in the sun in November. There is also a children’s playground in the beautiful park by the river.

The old town of Krapina

Krapina is the cradle of all Slavs

The site of the Krapina prehistoric man

The age of this locality is 125,000 years

Museum of Krapina Neanderthals

The locality itself is protected as the first paleontological nature monument in Croatia.

A traditional souvenir


One of the souvenirs from Krapina is the bilikum , a vessel made of three joined jugs bearing the names of the brothers. Traditionally, wine from bilikum was offered to the guest who comes to the house for the first time. The guest, in order not to offend the host, would have to drink all the wine from the jug. Since the jugs were actually connected, he would drink three jugs of wine!

There is only one way to drink from a bilikum without spilling a drop of wine.

preservation of spoken, written and sung Kajkavian words

Week of Kajkavian culture in Krapina

Week of Kajkavian culture in Krapina

Every year, at the beginning of September, the Week of Kajkavian Culture begins, which is extremely important for the City of Krapina, Krapina – Zagorje County and the entire Kajkavian-speaking area, and enriches and elevates the culture of our homeland.

The main goals of the Week are to preserve the spoken, written and sung Kajkavian words and to nurture the customs of these areas. This manifestation glorifies the overall artistic creativity of the Kajkavian speaking area and every year brings a rich treasure of quality events such as concerts, scientific gatherings, recitals, exhibitions, economic gatherings and sports meetings, and the highlight of each week is the “Festival of Kajkavian Songs”, a concert of newly composed songs in performed by eminent Croatian musicians.