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In the heart of Zabok, between picturesque hills and vivid landscapes, lies a hidden gem – Restaurant Grašo. As the sun sways on the horizon, this haven of flavors invites gourmands on a journey through breath-taking flavors and aromas.

The Google reviews of this restaurant are like a mosaic, each reflecting the unique experience of guests who embarked on a culinary journey in this gastronomic paradise. “Wonderful food, beautiful decor and heart-wrenching staff” – one of the many reviews that sends praise everywhere.

Other guests praise not only the dishes but also the atmosphere that enlivens every bite. “Restaurant Grašo not only nourishes the body, but also the soul” – the words of one amazed visitor that echo through the reviews.

However, like any pearl, this restaurant is not without critics. Some have pointed out their shortcomings, but even those criticisms are striking in their context. “Slightly slower service, but the food was worth the wait,” one guest wrote, stressing that the quality of the food was impeccable.

With every review, Restaurant Grašo shows its commitment to excellence and effort to ensure that every guest leaves their premises with a smile on their face and a satisfied stomach. Without a doubt, this is a destination that not only nourishes the body but also the spirit, leaving a mark in the hearts of all who dare to set sail on its gastronomic adventure.

In the heart of Zabok, between picturesque hills and vivid landscapes, lies a hidden gem – Restaurant Grašo. As the sun sways on the horizon, this haven of flavors invites gourmands on a journey through breath-taking flavors and aromas.

The Google reviews of this restaurant are like a mosaic, each reflecting the unique experience of guests who embarked on a culinary journey in this gastronomic paradise. “Wonderful food, beautiful decor and heart-wrenching staff” – one of the many reviews that sends praise everywhere.

Restoran Grašo
Based on 7967 reviews
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Morana CerovšekMorana Cerovšek
04:51 12 Apr 24
Gorana ErešGorana Ereš
10:24 11 Apr 24
Hrana je odlična. Usluga isto tako vrlo ljubazni konobari koji znaju svoj posao. Igralište za djecu odlično.
Pejo PejanovicPejo Pejanovic
22:14 10 Apr 24
Sve je na najvišoj razini
Mario HarapinMario Harapin
11:33 10 Apr 24
Branko VukelićBranko Vukelić
21:28 24 Mar 24
Obilne porcije. Hrana vrlo dobro pripremljena.Pristojne cijene. Super ljubazno osoblje, za svaku pohvalu!Premalo mjesta između stolova za konzumaciju hrane,nemoguće je izbjeći fizički kontakt sa gostima za drugim stolom prilikom odlaska i dolaska za stol. Teške stolice...Prijedlog - zamjeniti silikon oko rukopera u muškom toaletu.Ukupna ocjena vlo dobar. Za preporuku.
mirjana posavecmirjana posavec
09:15 03 Mar 24
Sve izvrsno, fino, ugodna atmosfera, spreme za van jer nije moguće sve pojesti koliko dobiješ na tanjur. Zamjeeka, još nisam stavila zadnji griz u usta već mi je bio maknut, uzeti tanjur ispred mene, loše sam se osjećala, istina da se na stol kod njih čeka i do 40minuta,ali..
Ranko TepšićRanko Tepšić
15:57 23 Feb 24
Hrana odlična, meso školski pripremljeno, bez greške a porcije vrlo obilne. Usluga brza i diskretna, konverzacija ugodna i prijateljska. Cijene su korektne. Parking u neposrednoj blizini je stvarno velik. Obavezno rezervirajte stol i dođite.
Manuela HajdinacManuela Hajdinac
18:34 19 Jan 24
Ambijent i ugođaj su perfektni. Konobari lijepo profesionalno obučeni, također ljubaznost na zavidnom nivou. Brzi, spretni , okretni, u današnje vrijeme je teško vidjeti da još postoji takvo osoblje. Sve je uredno i čisto. Bili smo u vrijeme ručka i bila je gužva, no brzo smo dobili stol i dali narudžbu. Hranu smo malo duže čekali, ali s obzirom da se narudžbe primaju i telefonski te ljudi stalno dolaze, bilo je relativno brzo. Porcije su obilne! Naručili smo dvije porcije prženih lignji te jednu porciju pomfrita. Količinski ima za 3 osobe. Odlično su pržene, ne osjeti se ulje, a tako i pomfrit. Cijene su sukladne porcijama.Restoran je za svaku pohvalu i nadam se da će ostati ovako dobar, da se neće pokvariti kao većina.